Deal Design & Negotiation Services

Our commitment to identifying true value in every negotiation sets us apart and drives our success.

Our goal in each negotiation is to move beyond the transactional and uncover strategic value that benefits all parties. We focus on understanding each stakeholder’s priorities and aligning them with outcomes that extend beyond the immediate deal.

By integrating innovative strategies with comprehensive advisory and consulting expertise, we don’t merely document value—we create it. Our deal design and negotiation services are grounded in VESTED™ principles, ensuring enduring, sustainable value for both parties. 

Full Deal Negotiation

We craft agreements that foster collaborative relationships, aligning stakeholder interests for outstanding results. Using proven methodologies like VESTED™, we structure deals with clear responsibilities and equitable risk and reward allocation. 

We align goals, create value, and set measurable outcomes, prioritising insight over oversight in governance, applying diverse pricing models, and managing risk robustly.

Our approach ensures your contract will adapt to evolving needs and remain aligned with your strategic business goals, ensuring sustainable value and lasting success.

Partial Deal Engagement & Relationship Recovery

When challenges emerge in strategic partnerships, they can disrupt operations, diminish ROI, and erode the value of relationships.

We specialise in deal restructuring and conflict resolution, helping to realign interests and restore collaboration.

With an impartial perspective, we deliver unbiased insights and customised solutions, empowering both large organisations and small companies to navigate contract challenges.

Our goal is to steer partnerships back to success, allowing you to concentrate on what matters most—running your business..