Tender & Bid Response Services

100% of our clients come back for our tender writing services

Our clients are consistently pleased with their investment in deal iQ’s tender writing services, with 100% choosing to work with us again.

Engaging deal iQ in your tender response process significantly increases your chance of winning business.

With our unique experience in both buy-side and sell-side procurement across public and private sectors, we proudly boast a success rate of over 95% in tender awards for clients using our services.

We are incredibly proud of this statistic. 

Our distinctive approach delves into the macro environment of go-to-market activities, considering the sociopolitical and business drivers behind each RFP.   By doing so, we enable our customers to respond and craft a compelling narrative that showcases their alignment with the buyer’s goals.   

Our tender submissions are often highlighted by evaluation teams for their exceptional clarity and readability. They are noted for thoroughly understanding and addressing requirements, and they resonate effectively with readers.